GT Courses (Guarantee Transfer)
Below are the GT Pathways general categories followed by specific, state-approved courses in each category.
Arts & Humanities
GT-AH1: Arts and Expression
GT-AH2: Literature and Humanities
GT-AH3: Ways of Thinking
GT-AH4: Foreign Languages (must be Intermediate/2000 level)
GT-CO1: Introductory Writing Course
GT-CO2: Intermediate Writing Course
GT-HI1: History
GT-MA1: Mathematics
MAT 1240, MAT 1320, MAT 1400, MAT 1260: Does not meet the Mathematics GT Core requirement for an AS degree.
Natural & Physical Sciences
GT-SC1: With a required laboratory
GT-SC2: Without a required laboratory
Students MUST successfully pass BOTH SCI 1055 & SCI 1056 to satisfy the GT Pathways science requirement. Recommended for Teacher Education only.
Social & Behavioral Sciences
GT-SS1: Economic or Political Systems
GT-SS2: Geography
GT-SS3: Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks
Arts and Humanities GT Courses
GT-AH1 (Arts and Expression)
GT-AH2 (Literature and Humanities)
GT-AH3 (Ways of Thinking)
GT-AH4 (Foreign Languages (must be Intermediate/2000 level)
Communication GT Courses
GT-CO1 (Introductory Writing Course)
GT-CO2 (Intermediate Writing Course)
History GT Courses
GT-HI1 (History)
Mathematics GT Courses
GT-MA1 (Mathematics)
MAT 1220 | Integrated Math I: GT-MA1 | 3 |
MAT 1230 | Integrated Math II: GT-MA1 | 3 |
MAT 1240 | Math for Liberal Arts: GT-MA1 | 4 |
| (Does not meet the Mathematics GT Core requirement for an AS degree.) | |
MAT 1260 | Intro to Statistics: GT-MA1 | 3 |
| (Does not meet the Mathematics GT Core requirement for an AS degree.) | |
MAT 1320 | Finite Mathematics: GT-MA1 | 4 |
| (Does not meet the Mathematics GT Core requirement for an AS degree.) | |
MAT 1340 | College Algebra: GT-MA1 | 4 |
MAT 1400 | Survey of Calculus: GT-MA1 | 4 |
| (Does not meet the Mathematics GT Core requirement for an AS degree.) | |
MAT 1420 | College Trigonometry: GT-MA1 | 3 |
MAT 1440 | Pre-Calculus: GT-MA1 | 5 |
MAT 2410 | Calculus I: GT-MA1 | 5 |
MAT 2420 | Calculus II: GT-MA1 | 5 |
MAT 2431 | Calculus III/Engineer App: GT-MA1 | 5 |
MAT 2561 | Differential Equations with Engineering Applications: GT-MA1 | 4 |
Natural and Physical Sciences GT Courses
GT-SC1 (Course with Required Laboratory)
ANT 1005 | Bio Anthropology W/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
AST 1110 | Planetary Astronomy w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
AST 1120 | Stellar Astronomy w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
BIO 1005 | Science of Biology w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
BIO 1111 | GenBio I: Molecular & Cellular Biology w/Lab: GT-SC1 | 5 |
BIO 1112 | GenBio II: Ecology & Organismic Biology w/Lab: GT-SC1 | 5 |
BIO 2101 | Human Anatomy & Phys I w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
BIO 2102 | Human Anatomy & Phys II w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
BIO 2104 | Microbiology w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
BIO 2120 | General Zoology w/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
BIO 2121 | Botany w/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
BIO 2124 | Genetics: SC1 | 4 |
CHE 1011 | Intro to Chemistry I/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
CHE 1111 | Gen College Chem I/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
CHE 1112 | Gen College Chem II/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
ENV 1111 | Environmental Sci w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
GEY 1111 | Physical Geology w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
GEY 1112 | Historical Geology w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
GEY 1135 | Environmental Geol w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
GEY 1155 | General Oceanography w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
MET 1050 | Gen Meteorology w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
PHY 1105 | Conceptual Physics w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
PHY 1107 | Energy Sci & Tec w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
PHY 1111 | Physics Alg-Based I/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
PHY 1112 | Physics Alg-Based II/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
PHY 2111 | Physics Calc-Based I/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
PHY 2112 | Physics Calc-Based II/Lab: SC1 | 5 |
SCI 1055 | Integrated Sci I w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
SCI 1056 | Integrated Sci II w/Lab: SC1 | 4 |
| (Students MUST successfully pass BOTH SCI 1055 & SCI 1056 to satisfy the GT Pathways science requirement. Recommended for Teacher Education only.) | |
GT-SC2 (Course Without Required Laboratory)
Social and Behavioral Sciences GT Courses
GT-SS1 (Economic or Political Systems)
GT-SS2 (Geography)
GT-SS3 (Human Behavior Culture and Social Frameworks)