Guarantee Transfer Courses

To help you avoid taking unnecessary courses and thus help you earn your degree in as little time as possible, the Colorado Department of Higher Education, in consultation with Colorado’s public colleges and universities, has developed a uniform general education curriculum that forms the core of most bachelor’s degrees and is guaranteed to transfer between all public, state-accredited colleges and universities. Colorado has also developed guided degree pathways which consist of specific required credit hours of courses from the following content areas: communication, mathematics, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. You should always seek advising from the college or university you plan to attend to ensure you are selecting the appropriate coursework for your degree.

Guarantee transfer courses in which you earn a grade of C or higher will always transfer and the credit will apply to GT Pathways requirements in every liberal arts & sciences bachelor’s degree at every public Colorado institution. Depending on the intended bachelor’s degree, GT Pathways course credit may also be applied to major and elective requirements at the receiving institution’s discretion.

Please note that the institution to which you transfer may not accept credits you earned through Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or similar tests. You should always contact an advisor at the receiving college or university to ensure transferability of your credits.

Please remember to check the following website for the most current updates: