Statewide GT (Guaranteed Transfer) Courses (39-44 credits). Approved Electives (16-21 credits). Total Credits (60 required).
(Written) Communication - GT-CO1 & GT-CO2 - 2 courses (6 credits)
CCCS Communications Requirement - 1 course (3 credits)
Note: Communication is a Colorado Community College System requirement and is in addition to the Statewide Guaranteed transfer (GT) courses.
Mathematics - GT-MA1 - 1 course (3-5 credits)
Arts and Humanities (6 credits)
Two guaranteed transfer Arts & Humanities courses from two different areas (AH1, AH 2, AH3 or AH4.)
Arts and Expression - GT-AH1
Literature and Humanities - GT-AH2
Ways of Thinking - GT-AH3
Foreign Languages - GT-AH4
Must be intermediate/2000-level.
History - GT-HI1 - 1 course (3 credits)
One guaranteed transfer History course GT-HI1
Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 credits)
Two guaranteed transfer Social and Behavioral Science courses (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, GT-SS3)
One guaranteed transfer Social and Behavioral Science course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, GT-SS3)
AND One guaranteed transfer History course (GT-HI1).
Economic and Political Systems - GT-SS1
Human Behavior, Cultural and Social Frameworks - GT-SS3
Natural and Physical Sciences w/Lab - GT-SC1 - 3 courses (12-15 credits)
Choose three courses (two courses must be in sequence).
Approved AS Electives (16-21 credits)
These courses transfer to one or more of the public four-year colleges or universities in Colorado. All courses will count toward the AS degree. However, transferability depends on the four-year institution. Additional courses may be transferable. For specific information, please consult an advisor in the Advising Center.
In addition to general education courses, you must complete an additional 16-21 credits of approved electives, 14 credits of which are to be taken from any of the science or math courses listed below. These include AST, BIO, CHE, CSC, ENV, GEO 1011 & GEO 1012, GEY, MAT, MET, and PHY. Please see an advisor in your program of study for specific course suggestions. Credits earned above the minimum to satisfy a requirement may be applied to a different area.
Approved Science and Math electives - a minimum of 14 credits are required
| All courses except 1005, 1006, and 1016 | |
Computer Science
Data Science
Engineering Graphics Technology
Environmental Science
MAT 1340 | College Algebra: GT-MA1 | 4 |
| and above except 1400 | |
Note: MAT 1260 is only recommended for students in health career programs.
| All courses except 1105 and 1107 | |
Additional approved electives may be taken in addition to the 14 credits from Science and Math
American Sign Language
Computer Information Systems
| All courses above 1022 | |
Foreign Language
| ARA, FRE, GER, ITA, JPN, RUS, SPA-All courses except 1001 and 1002 | |
Health and Wellness
Integrative Health Professions
| All courses-Maximum 3 credits | |
Multimedia Graphic Design
Women and Gender Studies
Additional AS Catalog Requirements
The State-Guaranteed Colorado Community College General Education requirements and the Approved Elective Transferable courses have been incorporated into this AS degree. Completion of the degree with a C or higher in every course guarantees that you can transfer, upon admission, to any Colorado public four-year college or university with 60 transferable credits. Grades C or higher are required for all coursework. In addition, a minimum 2.0 grade point average is required for degree completion. This is an open-ended degree plan, allowing you to tailor your coursework toward a particular transfer institution and/or major. Please refer to other degree offerings for specific articulations and designations.
When choosing general education requirements and electives, it is important to contact an advisor and the college or university where you intend to transfer. You will graduate under the catalog requirements listed for the semester in which you were first enrolled. If you interrupt attendance for two consecutive semesters (excluding summer term) or more, and then return, the catalog pertaining to the semester of re-admission is the governing document. Also, you may choose to use the catalog that is in effect the semester you graduate. Be sure to obtain and keep a copy of the catalog governing your degree.
Other AS Degree Requirements
- A minimum of 60 credits is required for the Associate of Science Degree. This must include 39-44 credits in general education transfer courses, which includes COM 1150, COM 1250, or COM 2300 (3 credits), and 16-21 credits in the areas specified above in approved electives.
- If you are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university, consult an advisor for assistance in planning your program of study. Also consult the Transfer Guide for GPA requirements of the college to which you are planning to transfer.
- You must complete a minimum of 15 credits through Red Rocks Community College. These credits must apply toward degree requirements.
- You must submit a graduation application for your degree or certificate before the graduation application deadline for the term in which you intend to graduate. The application is available on the RRCC website. The deadline is published in the academic calendar for that semester.
- No more than 6 credits of independent study course work may be applied toward an associate degree program.
- There is no limit on special-topic courses allowed to count toward an AS degree. In individual cases, the limit will be determined by the program area. If you are taking special-topic courses, consult with your advisor regarding how these credits will apply toward a degree.
- To earn multiple RRCC degrees, you must complete an additional 15 credits of coursework (above and beyond the original 60 credits required for the first degree) for each successive degree. These 15 credits must all apply toward the additional degree and must be completed through RRCC.
- With the approval of a faculty advisor and the instructional vice president, up to 3 credits of internship may apply toward this degree.