The Medical Assisting degree program receives a medical assisting certificate which is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, 9355 – 113th St. N. #7709, Seminole, FL 33775, 727-210-2350,, upon the recommendation of MAERB in addition to an AAS degree accredited by the state of Colorado.
At the completion of the program, you are required to take the national certification exam (AAMA) to become a Certified Medical Assistant. AAS degree requirements include ENG 1340 and MAT 1240 or higher (if you will be pursuing an additional health career after completion please see an Advisor to know the best choice of MAT course).
Hepatitis B immunizations will be required before taking MAP 2038 and MAP 2040. All courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or higher and those classes within the MAP & MOT prefix must have a passing grade on all competencies. Internship must be started within four months of completing the MAP2040 course. Please note that most courses are not offered in the summer semester.
Required Courses
BIO 2101 and BIO 2102 may be substituted for BIO 1006
General Education Courses (15 credits)
And choose from any two of the following three areas for a total of 9 credits:
Arts & Humanities: ARA, ART, ASL, FRE, GER, HUM, ITA, JPN, LIT, MUS, PHI, RUS, SPA, THE (1000 and above)
Physical and Life Sciences: AST, BIO, CHE, ENV, GEY, MET, NRE, PHY, SCI (1000 and above)
Social and Behavioral Science: ARG, ANT, ECO, GEO, GIS, HIS, POS, PSY, SOC (1000 and above).
one additional course if necessary from any of the above areas.
General education courses may only apply to one category for graduation.
Faculty approved electives from the following (3 credits):
Any course from the following prefixes: BIO, CHE, MOT, PSY, RTE, SOC, SPA
Course electives:
HWE 1050, HWE 1002; HHP211; HPR 1010; MAN 1028, MAN 2012, MAN 2024 or MAN 2026; BUS 1018.